Process of Team Building
Selection of each member as per Team Objective, need,
Expect minimum Qualification and SPIRIT (Commitment)
For best output from the team, Team as a UNIT…
To infuse Team spirit, it takes time, a long process, gradual process,
For it, important to know the Process of Team Building
Process of Team Building
1. Forming stage –
· Earliest stage, >>>>>एक जिज्ञासा, उत्सुक्तता, सावधानी कि एक टीम बनने जा रही, टीम हा हिस्सा बनने जा रहे।
· Give them a sense of Team identity,,
· Help them define their objective, (1) Team as well (2) individual,
· As a Leader>>>>>Here praise for even smallest improvement counts,
· If leader don’t work hard, it may prolong…
· इसके बाद तुफानी दौर शुरु....
2. Storming stage –
· As objective, purpose and role defined, person begins to see as team member,
· If not clarity, objective not defined, team may even start questioning your authority as leader but still seek your support and guidance
· Thus conflicts may rise, sub-groups may emerge,
· As a Leader>>>>>give some ownership, power, authority, जिम्मेदारी so that, feel more responsible, and confident..
· i.e. passing on responsibility for decision making and problem solving for team
· Looking ways to increase communication within and out team,
इस तरह तुफान शांत और इसके बाद फिर शांति व समझ का दौर,
3. Norming stage –
· As conflicts resolved, goal clearer>>>stage of cooperation and support,
· Level of commitment increase, to team, to self and one another
· Team’s Cultural identity, अपनी एक विशिष्ट पहचान (डीएसविविअन)
· Ready to take more responsibility
· As a Leader>>>>>Facilitate this process,(less intervention) At times may need your intervention to sort out some issue
· Let them establish own objective
· Let team resolve conflicts rather than deferring to you.
· Let team coordinate
· Develop creative thinking, meetings and brainstorming..
नोर्मिंग के बाद फिर पर्फोमेंस-आउटपुट का दौर....
4. Performing stage –
· जिम्मेदार टीम सदस्य के रुप में Team cooperation,
Output, Performance, Results
· As a Leader>>>>>Work within group, not outside as a colleague not as a Boss.
· Passing over responsibility for control and monitoring
· Let team member train and coach each other
· Let team sets, monitor and evaluate its own objective..
पर्फोमेंस के शिखर के बाद फिर ढलान (ठहराब) का दौर....
5. Dorming stage –
· After peak performance down slope sliding….
· Living in past glory, not strive to achieve more,
· Confined in self-boundary, with little regard for other, team output decrease,
· ((Team ruled by system and procedure, proper channel,
· As a Team Leader>>>>>Need restructuring
· In extreme cases even disbanded.
Overall as a Team Leader>>>>>To reach Performance stage at the earliest,
For it is important to know, at what stage is the Team? +
1. Having clear focus, vision
2. Acting as Ambassador
3. Review and evaluate regularly
4. Resolving conflicts,
5. Giving motivational and developmental feedback, where needed.
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